Archi dell'Acquedotto Romano

The arches of the Roman aqueduct (beginning 1st Cent. AD) dominate the banks of the River Bormida. One of the most famous sights in Acqui, they represent one of the most important examples of Roman aqueducts in northern Italy. Two stretches of the aqueduct remain, with square-based walled pillars, narrowing towards the top at a height of about 15 metres, the pillars then flowing off to lowered arches above which is to be found the conduit for the water. The aqueduct was originally some 12 kilometres long, starting from a water source in località Lagoscuro (Cartosio) in the Erro Valley. The original structure must have had at least around 40 pillars, by which the aqueduct made its impressive entry into the ancient town of Aquae Statiellae.

Information and contacts
corso Bagni, 51 - 15011 Acqui Terme (AL)
Telephone: +39 (0144) 770.272
