Area archeologica di via alle Fonti a Tortona

The imposing structure of via alle Fonti, with its rectangular tower which remains to a height of two metres, was discovered in the southern part of the town along the slopes at around the same height of the castle and forms a part of the town wall from the late republican period, coinciding with the founding of Dertona (last quarter of 2nd Cent. BC). The construction of the wall revealed ditchwork from the Iron Age (second half 6th-first half 5th Cent. BC), indicating an important phase of previous population. The building method consisted in preparing a core of irregular bagged stones which were then faced with limestone, laid horizontally and regularly. Repair work with bricks can be dated back to the 16th century, the date in which the last updating work took place for use for defensive purposes.

Information and contacts
via Principe Tommaso di Savoia, 8 - 15057 Tortona (AL)
via alle Fonti
Telephone: +39 (0131) 864.297