Ottofile corn once characterised the Tortona area: today, it is kept alive by few tenacious producers, who cultivate it according to ancient techniques, drying it in the sun and grinding it with stone. Patrizia Lodi, the owner of the organic farm La Carcassola, is one of those behind the rebirth of Ottofile, which she cultivates on the land next to the Merella chickpeas, typical variety of the Novi area, of a beige colour and small size, ideal for soups and rice but also at the base of chickpea pancake or cocoa and honey creams, if ground. Just as rare and precious are the Perfumed strawberries of Tortona, a local ecotype whose small fruits are distinguished by the reduced consistency of the pulp and persistent fragrance similar to Moscato, from which they take their name.

Information and contacts
strada Molino Bruciato, 9 - 15057 Tortona (AL)
fraz. Rivalta Scrivia
Telephone: +39 (0131) 817.254
