It is worth visiting Birra Pasturana, which is a microbrewery, shop and a beer museum with thousands of colourful cans, bottles, signs, glasses and coasters, all related to the beer world. In the shop you can buy the beers produced, metaphorically called Filo, as safe threads to follow to travel without losing your way in the maze of beer. There will be Filo di Arianna, a blonde beer with a fruity and spicy flavour; Filo Doppio, with a full and complex flavour; Filo di Fumo, copper coloured beer with a smoky aftertaste; then Filo Malpelo, amber coloured, with a round and malty flavour; Filo da torcere, a very drinkable summer blonde beer and Framboise, semi-acid raspberry beer.

Information and contacts
via Poggio, 4 - 15060 Pasturana (AL)
Telephone: +39 320 931.0576
