Following a stay in France in a school for “fromages fermiers”, agricultural expert Roberto Nicoletti has chosen to breed grass-fed Chamois Coloured goats and produce cheese with raw whole milk in Casale Monferrato. The milk from two milkings is processed using lactic coagulation technology, a slow process that requires healthy milk and maximum attention to certain parameters, such as temperature, to create the right conditions for the proliferation of milk enzymes. The curd is then put into moulds to obtain the different formaggette: from creamy cheese, to enjoy fresh or matured from 7 to 60 days, such as the robiola della Vetriata, the formaggetta, the Cenerino with its characteristic ash-coloured rind and the Coeur d'epices covered with spices. Up to cheese with a drier texture, to be matured for up to 6 months, such as the Torretta in the shape of a truncated cone and the Tamburino. La Vetriata is also known for the production of fruit from ancient cultivars (apples, pears, persimmons, figs, plums..) and for the amateur breeding of Marans, "the golden egg hen", which has the extraordinary ability to lay chocolate coloured eggs.

Information and contacts
- 15033 Casale Monferrato (AL)
Telephone: +39 349 225.1663
