Castello di Rocca Grimalda

The village of Rocca Grimalda was built at the top of a rocky spur, the fortress was built in a strategically-important position because it could be easily defended and control the village and the roads between the Ovadese Oltregiogo and the Alessandria plain, in an area of strong contrasts between Monferrato and Liguria. The old structure retains the genuine appearance of a ‘fortress’ enough to justify the naming of the village, the sturdy tower dominates the entire complex. The castle in the village is the result of constructions leaning against one another at different times, the oldest part is the mighty tower, the construction date is unknown, perhaps between the 12th and 13th centuries when the settlement was under the control of the Marquises of Monferrato. The tower has no traces of battlements, perhaps they were englobed in the roof. The windows are very few and the size of slits, the only decoration is the rows of blind arches at the top, slightly protruding that give a flared line to the end of the tower. Inside, there are five floors connected by a narrow spiral staircase cut into the thickness of the wall and lit only by the slits. Several elements suggest that a few of the rooms were used as prisons. The other buildings of the castle were constructed around this donjon throughout the centuries and without any apparent design. The interior facade is from the 1500-1600s, including the cylindrical corner towers, whilst the garden was created in the second half of the 18th century, a typical Baroque layout, a secret garden, the renaissance garden and a small romantic wood. The Castle is part of the Castelli Aperti event. 2022 openings: 15 and 29 May; 26 June; 31 July; 25 September; 30 October. Open by appointment for visitors (min. 4 people) and groups. Guided tours of the castle and garden, at 15.00, 16.00, 17.00. On events and shows the hours may be subject to changes.

Information and contacts
piazza Borgatta, 2 - 15078 Rocca Grimalda (AL)
Telephone: +39 334 157.4751
Telephone 2: +39 (0143) 873.128
Telephone 3: +39 334 338.7659
Fax: +39 (0143) 873.360
