Chiesa di San Domenico

The building of the church and convent of San Domenico started in 1472 at the behest of the Marquis Guglielmo VIII Paleologo and lasted for more than 30 years. Consecrated in 1513 the church was enlarged and partly altered (specifically in the area of the apse) in 1745. The Lombard-style brick facade is divided into three sections by buttresses and crowned by a series of crossed arches. The portal, framed by architrave pilasters and surmounted by a zodiac rose window, dates from 1505. Inside, there are three naves divided by cruciform pillars and cross vaults; the holy water fonts on columns with finely decorated capitals date from the beginning of the 1500s. The church is home to several important works of art including the exquisite paintings by Pietro Francesco Guala: The Defeat of the Albigensians (1724) and two large canvases depicting The Miracles of San Domenico (1753-54). Access to the cloister, the only one remaining of the two original cloisters, is from the right-hand side of the church, with a large columned loggia in tuff and a 15th century room with ogival windows. Photo of the facade credit City of Casale Monferrato OPENING TIMES The Church of San Domenico from March 2024 is open on Saturday from 3pm to 5 pm and Sunday from 3 pm to 6 pm. Openings may be subject to change. ATTENTION: opening times vary during Easter Holidays. Saturday 30, Sunday 31 ad Monday 1 April the church will only be open during the religious services. * USEFUL INFO ON ACCESSIBILITY * The Church and the cloister of San Domenico are accessible to people with motor disabilities thanks to the presence of a ramp.

Information and contacts
piazza San Domenico, 3 - 15033 Casale Monferrato (AL)
Telephone: +39 0142 452219
