Chiesa di San Gottardo

It is located just outside the walls of the Castle of Camino in a position from which you can enjoy a magnificent panorama. There is no certain information on the origins of the church, but it was probably built between the end of the 13th century and the early 14th century. The confraternity of St. Gotthard was officially established in 1650 and it is still active and committed to the promotion of the building. For a good part of the 17th century, the church had two naves of different size, in the 18th century it was reduced to one nave and underwent some renovation work in order to make the building safer. In 1911, the church was listed among the national monumental buildings, we point out the recently restored late-medieval frescoes. Inside you can admire two beautiful crocket capitals, of considerable size, resting on semi-columns that divide the nave in two. On the high altar there is a late 19th century canvas depicting St. Gotthard in glory, above the town of Camino. On the left side altar, there is a 17th century canvas depicting the martyrdom of St. Ursula. On the walls the frescoes are dated between the 15th and the 16th century; St. Agata, Madonna with Child on throne surmounted by musician angels with Saints Sebastian and Rocco (which recalls the Madonna of Crea, who has always been worshipped in this area). In the choir, you can find the oldest works, a Nursing Madonna, St. Radegund, a saint and a fragment of a blessing bishop. In 2002, Eugenio and Marisa Piazza donated an altar, whose support, made of a block of limestone marl from Verrua Savoia, was sculpted by Giovanni Albertone with a work scene in the quarries.