Chiesa Parrocchiale N. S. Assunta

The Church of Nostra Signora Assunta, built starting from 1772, is an important landmark in the town for the height of its facade, the circular cupola and the two bell towers. The richly decorated interior is in a Latin cross format divided into three naves by twin columns with Corinthian capitals; the nave has a barrel-vaulted ceiling with arches below and the side naves, with 19th century frescoes, have vaulted ceilings. The church is home to an interesting collection of works of art, principally from the 18th and 19th centuries. Of note is the main altar, built to a design by Alessandro Antonelli (1798-1888) and a painting, the “Ecstasy of St. Theresa”, an early work by Luca Giordano.

Information and contacts
piazza Assunta - 15076 Ovada (AL)
Telephone: +39 (0143) 832.142
Fax: +39 (0143) 832.140
