Chiesa SS. Trinità da Lungi

The Church of SS. Trinità da Lungi was built by the Canons Regular of the Holy Cross of Mortara around 1130, probably inside a monastery complex. Notwithstanding the remodelling and tampering with the original structure, above all in the 18th century (and includes the vaulted roof), the church has kept its original basilica layout, most of the stone and brickwork, a large portion of the apse and the finely worked capitals, sculpted with weaves, plant motifs and zoomorphic figures. Internally there are three naves, the single central apse features three frescoes in its lower part: an Enthroned Madonna Feeding the Child which dates back to the first half of the 15th century, on a previous layer of plaster a fragment with the Head of the Redeemer from the beginning of the 14th century and, on the extreme right, a fresco representing the Holy Trinity in the iconography of the three identical characters sitting at a table in the act of blessing (first half of the 15th century).

Information and contacts
strada Trinità da Lungi - 15073 Castellazzo Bormida (AL)
Telephone: +39 (0131) 272.832