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Ciclabile Balmuccia-Alagna

Starting from Alagna, crossing the only bridge that is on the ring road near the carpenters. The route coincides in part with what in winter is the cross-country ski run. Coasting  alongside the river along a fairly wide path, in some points on pebbles  left by the floods of the Sesia. Passing through the hamlet of Balma di  Riva Valdobbia  up to the bridge of Isolello, where there are the avalance shields, crossing over mixed ground, among deciduous forests, larches and meadows, for a total of about 5 km. Suitable for everyone, although protective helmets, especially for children are recommended From here the route continues or on the State road to Otra Sesia, where you take the iron bridge that crosses over the Sesia  which leads to the hamlet, or through Isolello, where the path narrows  becoming a bit rough and challenging. Continue downhill between the mountain slopes and river valleys. Trails of wooded and muddy paths alternate for about 1 km, until you reach the hamlet Rusa, before reaching Campertogno. At this point you pass about 6 km of "forest road", sometimes paved in correspondence with inhabited areas, among which the quaint village of Quare. From Piode to Scopa the path becomes very easy, crossing woods, meadows, small fractional nuclei and picturesque stone bridges. From Molino di Scopa continue keeping  left along the orographic bank, then passing back along the right bank  to get to Balmuccia.  

Points of interest

Located at 1200 m above sea level along the Sesia river, at the foot of the South Face of Monte Rosa, Alagna is the last village in Valsesia and is part of the protected area of the Alta Valsesia Nature Park, the highest in Europe. Of ancient Walser origin, the population reached Alagna in Valsesia from Macugnaga around the XIII century, and even today the small village has preserved the periodic  architectural and structural characteristics. Riva Valdobbia is the only village in the valley from where you can enjoy a complete panorama of the Monte Rosa massif; the Parish Church has been proclaimed a national monument; the façade is entirely dominated by the extraordinary Last Judgment, frescoed in 1597 by Melchiorre d'Enrico. Campertogno is famous in Valsesian history for its carving schools and wooden sculptures,  the latter of which many are kept in the small museum of the Sacred Art Collection at the parish church of San Giacomo, one of the most beautiful churches in Valsesia. A gastronomic production of primary importance is due to the cheese factory of Piode whose cheeses, particularly Tome, which are known and appreciated everywhere. Scopello is the most important tourist center in the middle valley, thanks to the Mera ski facilities and the extra-hotel development. Balmuccia is located on the two sides of the Sermenza joined by a stone bridge. Precisely  from Balmuccia the view of Valsermenza opens up very slowly, also known as  Valpiccola. The parish church dedicated to Santa Margherita was built in the 17th century; the works inside attributed to Antonio Orgiazzi are well worth viewing. In the oratory of the hamlet Guaifola dedicated to Antonio Abate and Antonio da Padova are paintings by Avondo and works by Orgiazzi. A point of interest: the Fossil of Supervulcano of Valsesia is in an area that goes from the Municipality of Balmuccia to that of Prato Sesia, , unique in its kind and dating back almost 300 million years ago.  

Departure, arrival and municipalities crossed

via Roma, 1
13020 Balmuccia (VC)
piazza Grober, 1
13021 Alagna Valsesia (VC)


For information: ATL Valsesia Vercelli Tel.0163.564404

Information and contacts
via Roma, 1 - 13021 Balmuccia (VC)


Ciclabile Balmuccia-Alagna

Province: Biella Valsesia Vercelli
Departure: Balmuccia
Arrival: Alagna Valsesia
Distance: 30.00
Total ascent: 626
Suggested period: from spring to autumn

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