Collegiata dei SS. Martino e Stefano

In 1239, Gregorio IX united the Church of San Martino with that of Santo Stefano and the Church of Serravalle was named after the Saints Martino and Stefano. The building took on its current late Renaissance shape with Baroque influences following its considerable extension in 1574; important restoration work took place in the 20th century when the façade in limestone was completed. Internally, there are frescoes dating from the beginning of the 1900s along with other works of art. These include the imposing quadrangular Baptismal font in marble dated 1486, the painting of The Madonna of the Rosary by Bernardo Montessoro from 1607, the canvas depicting The Martyrdom of St. Stephen attributed to Giovanni Andrea Carlone (second half of the 17th century), the Chapel of Our Lady of Sorrows with the precious Altar, of the late 17th century in inlaid polychrome marbles and the wooden sculpture of the Madonna surrounded by four angels from the 1800s.

Information and contacts
via Tripoli, 32 - 15069 Serravalle Scrivia (AL)
Telephone: +39 (0143) 651.91
Fax: +39 (0143) 651.91