
This restaurant in the capital of the Curone Valley is a glorious place. Marta, a young mother, was brave to take on this family restaurant that has been serving food for generations. She has continued in honour of her parents, grandmother and great-great grandparents. Here, you enjoy and breathe a happy atmosphere of bygone times, with the best products of the Curone Valley, a segment of the province of Alessandria that begins a little after Tortona and reaches the peaks of Giarolo. Don’t miss out on the seven tastings of hot and cold specialties (€16) or the doctor’s starter: ham and mayonnaise roulades, Russian salad, vegetable pie and naturally the noble salami from Giarolo. In season, you will find fragrant truffles on tagliolini or on meat tartare, but also on Montebore to taste at the end of a truly gastronomic feast, or in fondue on the soft potato gnocchi. A must (€11) will be the gnocchi del Corona with creamy milk sauce, pumpkin ravioli with balsamic vinegar, but also the agnolotti stuffed with slowly stewed beef in sauce. The second course (€11), veal roast in rosemary, stewed meat loaf, escalopes with Marsala wine. The desserts (€5): Piedmontese chocolate bonet, Matilde’s panna cotta, Chestnut Mont Blanc. Simply delicious!

Information and contacts
via Vittorio Emanuele, 14 - 15056 San Sebastiano Curone (AL)
Telephone: +39 0131 786.203
Telephone 2: +39 348 7648.413
