
Dal Monferrato uno sguardo sulle Alpi

A panoramic itinerary with stunning views of the Alps and continuous climbs between the vineyards of Barbera and Grignolino. Between small villages encircled on the hills looking like a nativity scene where baroque churches and the countryside meet.

Points of interest

Having parked in Cereseto in Piazza Umberto 1, filled up the water bottle at the fountain and gone uphill to the town center following the sign to "Castello", is one of the most beautiful almost fairy-tale-like castles worth visiting of Monferrato . With curiosities satisfied and hundreds of photos taken we continue with the tour.  At the Castle’s stop sign turn right leaving the village and at the next stop sign go over the crossroads following the road signs for Ottiglio.   If you do not want to see the castle straightaway, follow the street signs for Moncalvo - Asti from the square and just a short distance ahead take a left for Ottiglio. After about 700m to the left a dirt road (Wp dirt road 81) begins for about 1 km then a tarmac road downhill. At the stop turn right and after about 50m take the dirt road (Wp dirt road 81) on the left for about 700m which then becomes grassy and goes onto tarmac. Continue until the sign Cascina Buffalora superiore (Wp unpaved road 7), take this unpaved uphill road that leads to this uninhabited home, go through the courtyard and go to the left, then downhill until we are back on tarmac, a road that leads to cascina Merli. Turn left and continue until you reach the SS 487. Turn right and at the first dirt road just before the end of the guardrail close to a farm take the dirt road to the right. After passing the house (Wp 0071), at the second right bend, leave this main road and take a grassy road (if you keep to the left you will arrive in Treville). After 1 km you reach the ridge of the hill and enter an unpaved and then tarmac road and climb surrounded by a panoramic landscape and the Church of Treville that rises above the town. You pass the Chapel of San Quirico and the hamlet of Solito. After the graveyard stay to the right and enter Treville and head straight towards the church (there is a telescope on the square). You can see Cereseto, the departure point, the next stage, Sala Monferrato and the whole Alpine arch. After the magnificent views and the photographic session, leave the Church and if in need of water, turn left at the stop sign beneath the Church and there is a fountain in the square. We retrace our steps for a short while and are on the main road going downhill to the stop sign. Turn right for Sala Monferrato. After 200m at the junction stay to the left and go uphill following the road signs for Rosignano and Cellamonte (NOT Sala M. which is all tarmac). Further on, follow the signs to the right via Savoia and B&B la Savoia which is downhill, after the B&B you are on a grassy dirt track (beware of cart tracks) leading to a well-graveled unpaved road. Turn right and after about 300m turn right again onto a dirt road  (Wp dirt road 12), which leads to a tarmac road continuing up to Sala Monferrato (for sightseers turn right in the direction of Cereseto, at the church go up the ramp with the arch to the old Church of S. Francesco which dates back to the fourteenth century, with a beautiful panoramic view) . To return, at the stop sign head towards Ottiglio, go past the cemetery and leaving the tarmac road take the unpaved road that is straight ahead for about 900m until you find a dirt road on the left which goes downhill. Descending on the other side of the hill passing between some residences, the climb continues on tarmac to SP 36. Turn right (heading towards the end of the route), after about km. 1.150 note a steep dirt road on the right which deserves one last small effort to get to the crest of the hill where the Castle and its village appear in all their glory. Take the downhill grassy road that leads you back to the starting point . Edited by: A. S. D. Montalero Bike, uno Spicchio di Monferrato

Departure, arrival and municipalities crossed
piazza umberto I
15030 Treville (AL)

districts passed through
Cereseto, Ottiglio, Sala Monferrato, Treville

Information and contacts
piazza umberto I - 15030 Treville (AL)

Dal Monferrato uno sguardo sulle Alpi

Province: Alessandria & Monferrato
Departure: Treville
Distance: 21.00
Total ascent: 523
Suggested period: From April to June and from September to late October. Avoid after several days of rain.

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