Duomo Santa Maria Maggiore e Museo

The Cathedral, dedicated to Santa Maria Maggiore, was probably built on the site of a preceding cultural building; the building that is visible today was begun in 1619, following the demolition of the old Romanesque church that was deemed too small for the needs of the local populace. The sober façade, which has the remains of a 14th century marble tomb next to the doorway, was finished in 1890. The current flooring and the marble facings of the columns that divide the naves and support the choir are contemporary with the façade. Amongst the works of art that make up the heritage of the church is a painting by Moncalvo from 1620 dedicated to The Madonna of the Rosary and a painting by the Flemish artist Gozner depicting the Virgin and the Saints. Adjacent to the Cathedral is a Museum holding a large collection of silverware and fabrics acquired or donated over the centuries

Information and contacts
piazza Trentuno Martiri - 15048 Valenza (AL)
Telephone: +39 (0131) 941.840
Fax: +39 (0131) 920.662
