Faletta - Agriturismo e ristorante

Since the 1920s, Cascina Faletta has dedicated itself to the care of the surrounding lands. The autochthonous and international vines that are cultivated are used to produce white and red wines and a spumante obtained with the Classical Method. Each label has its own story, starting from the logo with the 3 crossed Guns. This choice depends on an extraordinary discovery: during the renovation work, three guns were found in a blind and hidden room. They were wrapped in the pages of the newspaper Uomo Qualunque, of the homonymous Movement founded by Guglielmo Giannini, dated First January 1947. To this day, it is not known how these weapons found there way into the farmhouse. It is a mystery which seduces and fascinates to the point that the Pinot nero has been called just that, 3 Fucili (3 Guns). And again: Rosso di Rosso, Primo Bianco and Braja show the copy of the historic newspaper on the label. The spumante, the Marchesa Virginia, instead, is a tribute to the woman believed to have been the first owner of the Farmhouse. The white wine, Myricae, called that way because the homonymous and famous collection of poems by Giovanni Pascoli, tells of life in the fields. The wines can be purchased directly at Cascina Faletta.

Information and contacts
Regione Mandoletta, 81 - 15033 Casale Monferrato (AL)
Telephone: +39 340 294.3763
Telephone 2: +39 0142 670.068
E-mail: info@faletta.it
