The Soban family has been working for almost half a century in the ice cream sector. It left Val di Zoldo (BI) and after gaining experience in Germany, it opened the historic ice cream parlour in Valenza in 1977. The ice cream is produced following the recipe of the time, with fresh milk, eggs and vanilla pods from Tahiti and Madagascar. A natural ice cream for all kinds of food intolerances, with flavours that are also suited to coeliacs. The fruit is only seasonal with a special focus on local products. The new flavours include Dolce Piemonte, Bicerin, Brachetto and a few gastronomic ice creams on rotation. Soban won the Golosario Prize in 2011 for the best ice cream parlours and the special jury prize for the ice cream with Hazelnut Igp in Cortemilia (Cn). Soban is also in Alessandria in via San Lorenzo, 99 (tel. 0131445255) and corso Borsalino, 36 (tel. 3343464246).

Information and contacts
piazza Gramsci, 23 - 15048 Valenza (AL)
Telephone: +39 (0131) 941.806
