Roberto Guidetti, an expert barman, serves delicious and choreographically perfect cocktails prepared according to Iba (International Barman Association) approved recipes in his centrally located bar. He has also created a corner of selected specialities for the true connoisseur. There are cheeses of various maturation periods, homemade pasta (Latini, Martelli, Cocco, Felicetti), quality honey, jams, sauces and spicy fruit chutneys. The wine choice is also huge, based on a particular philosophy of quality and typicality, starting with the Piedmontese labels that include some of the best Barbera. Wines from Tuscany, Marche, Friuli and South Tyrol are also present as well as a vast selection of spirits, including high quality rum, French and Australian labels.

Information and contacts
via Alessandro III, 33 - 1512x Alessandria (AL)
Telephone: +39 (0131) 260.148