I musei di Pellizza: lo Studio e il Museo didattico-Itinerario sui luoghi pellizziani in Volpedo

The home town of Giuseppe Pellizza (1868 – 1907) pays homage to this painter through two museums which tell the story of his life and his work. The Museum of the Artist’s Studio next to the painter’s home, authentically re-creates the fascinating atmosphere of the atelier designed by Pellizza himself in 1888 and subsequently enlarged until it assumed its current aspect, in 1896, with ample light which allows the room to have the same light as the exhibition rooms. Inside there are a number of items of furniture from the original studio, including a bookcase holding books and magazines from the artist’s personal extensive library, coloured sketches and plaster models used for exercises. Among the works on display which merit inspection are Portraits of the painter's father (1889-90) and mother (1890) in oil, two self-portraits in oil from 1885, a charcoal work (1901) and a first sketch of S. Luigino (1894), the final version of which is in the second chapel on the left-hand side of the parish church of S. Pietro. The Educational Museum is dedicated to the life and works of Pellizza and is to be found in the Torraglio building, sited in one of the oldest parts of the village. The route, displayed on panels, is in the form of photographs and documents, which occupy the ground floor. Particular attention has been paid to the theme of the “construction” of a work of art, especially through the examples of Processione, a crucial work when viewed as a piece executed when the artist was moving to the pointillist school, and Quarto Stato whose long creation is given ample space. There follow specific sections on the artist’s painting technique which allow visitors to get closer to the subject: the color, the supports used, the preparation of the canvas, the frames and the compositional schemes. Opening times: Saturday and Sunday 3pm - 5 pm (October to April), 4 pm - 7 pm (May-September). On Public holidays the openings follow the scheduled times (Easter Sunday, Easter Monday, 25 April, 1 May, 2 June, etc); check for any variations closer to the date. Opening times for Easter Festivities 2024: On Easter Sunday and Easter Monday, respectively 31 March and 1 April, the museums will remain open at the usual winter time, from 3 pm to 7 pm.

Information and contacts
via Sovera, 2 - 15059 Volpedo (AL)
Telephone: +39 (0131) 803.18
Fax: +39 (0131) 803.18
E-mail: info@pellizza.it
