ITALIAN SPECIALTIES FROM GOLOSARIO. Those of the Buongustaio of Bassignana who has moved to Sale. Il Buongustaio is the work of Francesco and Samantha who have created a boutique of taste. On the shelves you will find: Carnaroli rice of Cascina Veneria, pasta by Ziccardi, torcetti and pastries made of maize flour by Mauro De Martini, next to grissini and savoury crackers, natural jams, vegetables in oil, a small wine department with bottles from all over Italy and a selection of ready-made dishes. Of particular interest are the specialties from Southern Italy, including extra-virgin olive oil of the Salento countryside, cheeses such as Pecorino, scamorze, buffalo mozzarella and fine ceramics of Grottaglie.

Information and contacts
via Roma, 54 - 15045 Sale (AL)
Telephone: +39 (0131) 841.55