
In bici tra Valle Belbo e Valle Bormida

The route starts from the town of Acqui Terme. If you arrive by train, start from the square in front of the train station, if you arrive by car, a very good starting point is the car park (camper area) located near the Roman bridge over the River Bormida. Cross the town and take Via Amendola. At the level crossing at the bottom of the road, continue in the direction of the hamlet of Moirano. Continue uphill for about 3 km, we advise you to start slowly because there are many more on this route. After passing through the small village of Moirano, continue on the same road in the direction of Castel Rocchero. A little break to recoup energy is necessary in order to face a long descent in the direction of Nizza Monferrato. At the crossroads of four roads (on the right, signed Fontanile) we go left towards Castel Boglione. At the crossroad for the main road to Nizza Monferrato (be careful), we turn left to reach the town. We enter the small town and cross through it. It is a good idea to stock up on water, as a challenging climb awaits. We continue until we reach the small church square and from here take the road next to the weigh house. From here, we will have about a 2 km climb, with some stretches at 15%. Once we reach the top of the hill, we descend a few hundred meters until we cross the main road. At the junction, turn left towards Rocchetta Palafea. Stop in the village square to recoup energy. Continue towards Sessame. Just outside the town of Rocchetta, after a few hundred meters, turn right in the direction of Cassinasco.   We lose altitude when we reach the valley floor and then, at the crossroads with the main road, turn left towards Cassinasco. This will be the last hill of the day. There are a gentle 2 km (but we have already done a lot!) before we reach the main road from Canelli (be careful), turn left and go downhill in the direction of Bubbio. From here, we can enjoy the splendid view of the Moscato hills, the transition zone between Monferrato and Langhe. Four kilometres of fast descent towards Bubbio and then turn left in the direction of Monastero Bormida. A couple of kilometres of main road (be careful) and we reach the village of Monastero Bormida, turn right towards Roccaverano. We pass the beautiful Roman bridge and turn left immediately in the direction of Ponti. We are again on a flat, quiet minor road. After the level crossing, turn left in the direction of Acqui Terme and after a few hundred meters along a busy main road (be careful), take the quieter road of Rocchino. Once we reach Terzo Stazione, turn right after the level crossing (be careful) and after about 200 meters turn left into the town of Acqui Terme.

Points of interest

Acqui Terme: historical centre, La bollente, Castle of Paleologi, Roman Arches, Thermal baths Cassinasco: Medieval Tower Bubbio: Castle Bormida Monastery: Castle Rocchetta Palafea: Medieval tower ad walls   Please note: wear your helmet at all times, even when not obligatory.  Before setting off, make sure you inform someone of your intended route.  If possible, take a GPS device, mobile phone and a bottle of water with you and if it is a long distance route, take snacks.  Wear suitable clothing, preferably layers, and make sure you have a waterproof jacket.  Always wear padded shorts.  Comfort is essential if you are to enjoy the journey to the full.  It is advisable to use a guide who knows the area well and will be aware of any changes to the route, which may have varied from the last update by

Departure, arrival and municipalities crossed
Departure and arrival
15011 Acqui Terme (AL)

districts passed through
Acqui Terme, Alessandria, Asti


Total height difference 1648 meters, maximum slope 27.9% -26.3%, average slope 5.1%

Information and contacts
- 15011 Acqui Terme (AL)

In bici tra Valle Belbo e Valle Bormida

Province: Alessandria & Monferrato, Langhe Monferrato e Roero
Departure: Acqui Terme
Arrival: Acqui Terme
Distance: 47.00
Total ascent: 823
Suggested period: Apr - Nov

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