Casa del Formaggio is Antonio Migliocco’s kingdom. He is an excellent selector of the best Italy can offer in the dairy and pork butcher area. His boutique of taste is unanimously recognised as one of the best in Piedmont. Among the cured meats you will find culatello di Zibello, soppresse venete, mocette valdostane, crudo di Sant'Ilario, prosciutto iberico, as well as home-made fresh sausage. There is also a vast selection of dairy products that include Fontine, Bettelmatt, Casizolu del Montiferru, mozzarella made from cow’s and buffalo’s milk, Caciocavallo Podolico, Tuscan Pecorino, Ragusano with raw milk next to an attentive selection of mountain pasture cheeses, both cow and goat.

Information and contacts
via Torino, 59 - 15076 Ovada (AL)
Telephone: +39 (0143) 822.002