Museo dell'Apicoltura del Maglietto

The Museum exhibits a unique collection that includes beehives, rustic skeps, feeders, honey extractors, presses, wax sculptures, beekeeping magazines, stamps dedicated to bees and lots of other material. There is also a rich bibliography on the subject: enthusiasts and students can consult books, magazines of the sector, historical documents and possibly extract copies on request for study purposes. The Maglietto, which houses the Beekeeping Museum, is found close to the Scrivia torrent in the Merella hamlet: you arrive by taking the road for the cemetery of the small hamlet and following the directions for Ambiente Scrivia. The property, owned by the municipality, is situated in an area of community importance and special protection due to the considerable naturalistic interest and the presence of numerous animal and plant species. Re-opening: spring 2020, by reservation.

Information and contacts
- 15067 Novi Ligure (AL)
Frazione Merella
Telephone: +39 0143772347
Telephone 2: +39 349 438.8834
