Museo delle macchine agricole Orsi

Tortona is home to the Museo delle Macchine Agricole (Agricultural Vehicle Museum), named in memory of Roberto Giuseppe Orsi, and sited in his company’s workshop, in Via Emilia. This museum was proposed by the Association of Orsi ex-workers, headed up by Giuseppe’s brother Luigi, endorsed by Tortona Council and helped by European Union financing. The display area has a document archive, warehouse and technical service section. The display itself is made up of several interesting tractors under the Orsi and Berri marques and includes the first “hot head” Orsi tractor dating from 1927 which was built following the project thesis of Roberto’s father Luigi at the Polytechnic of Turin. In total there are some 22 agricultural vehicles on display including tractors and machinery like threshers, balers and combine harvesters which detail the production of the Orsi company from its beginnings at the start of the 1900s up to the end of the 1950s. Visits by reservation and during events and exhibitions.

Information and contacts
via Emilia, 446 - 15057 Tortona (AL)
Telephone: +39 (0131) 864.297
Telephone 2: +39 (0131) 864.290
Fax: +39 (0131) 864.267
