Museo etnografico della Gambarina "C'era una volta"

The Ethnographic Museum “C’era una volta” (Once upon a time) is located inside the “Gambarina Vecchia”, barracks dating from the 18th century. On the ground floor, taking full advantage of the bay architecture of the former stables, is a charming exhibition that reproduces the key moments of public and private life in the peasant community between the 19th and the 20th century. The different "Windows on the Past" re-propose the moment of birth, toys, school, kitchen, bedroom, the dowry room and the wedding event. A special section is dedicated to the two World Wars with objects, weapons and supplies mostly from the 1915-1918 war. The section dedicated to work proposes tools and supplies belonging to different artisan workshops (cobbler, blacksmith, carpenter) and to the various phases of agricultural production. On the upper floor, it is possible to admire the reconstruction of a school classroom from the 1930s and the library containing books dating back to the beginning of the 1800s. Rounding-off the exhibition is a huge display of dolls and toys of various periods and the display cabinets that show aspects of Alessandria as a productive town in the course of a century. Opening times: Monday to Saturday 9 am to midday and 3.30 pm to 7 pm; Sunday and public holidays 3.30 pm to 7 pm. Full ticket: €3 Reduced ticket: €2 - up to 18 years of age and over 65s Free admission: up to age 12, journalists with card, tour group leaders, schools of Alessandria, disabled and their assistants. The program of initiatives attached may be subject to changes. It is recommended to check the links below. Access for the disabled. Small dogs are welcome.

Information and contacts
piazza Gambarina, 1 - 15121 Alessandria (AL)
Telephone: +39 (0131) 400.30
Telephone 2: +39 (0131) 400.35
