Pallavidini Gioiellieri Valenzani

A.MO.LA.VI.TA. is the brainchild of Alessandro Pallavidini, jewellery entrepreneur who wants to launch a positive message to the world through a pathway that guides to the discovery of jewels, beauty and Italian excellence. PALLAVIDINI, one of the oldest Jewellery Companies of Valenza, is ready to welcome you to the Gold Experience to discover how a jewel is born. A guided tour, the first and only one of its kind, thanks to which you will learn the production phases through installations and videos, touch the equipment, the metals and gemstones by hand. Inside the Company you can visit the Small Jewellery Museum, the Art Room with the family paintings, expression of the marriage of jewellery and creativity. To follow, the surprise Room dedicated to Childhood: the dominating theme of the PALLAVIDINI collections is the sphere, which takes the woman back to the authenticity and freedom of expressing herself typical of children, who do not let themselves be conditioned, homologated like the multinationals would like to impose. At the end of the tour it will be possible to buy jewels directly in the factory, letting yourself be guided by the suggestions of Alessandra Acquarone Pallavidini, expert in gemmology, wife of Alessandro and icon of style and elegance. To book contact the Company by phone or send an email. Price: Euro 150,00 single guided tour Euro 250,00 tours from 2 to 6 people. 30% discount for bookings through La Madernassa.

Information and contacts
via Bergamo, 42 - 15048 Valenza (AL)
Telephone: +39 0131 921.515
Telephone 2: +39 324 773.5023
