Pallavidini Gioiellieri Valenzani

The company, which recently celebrated its 60th anniversary, was founded in 1957 by Luigi Guerci and Dario Pallavidini and soon became an important goldsmith reality, thanks to the production of top-of-the-range frames, still recognized as the best on the market. ALEX ° BALL Milano brand born in 2003: the new way of making fashion by Alessandro Pallavidini (called “Palla”) which has the sphere as the main theme of its collections. The sphere: an essential form, timeless and rich in symbolism; the sphere that makes the woman who wears it magical and perfect. The ALEX ° BALL Milano creations are the result of a continuous search for style and design; they speak of travel, nature, dreams… They are completely produced in Italy by Valencian goldsmiths and characterized by a very high degree of quality and finish; fashion, art, luxury: pure avant-garde. ALEX ° BALL Milano is present in Italy with single-brand boutiques in prestigious tourist locations: Courmayeur, Ischia, Forte Village, Valenza. And it is precisely from Valenza that A.MO. THERE. LIFE. (acronym of ALEX ° BALL - Monferrato - Langhe - Wine - Truffle): a circuit of excellence in the territory of Monferrato and Langhe, which allows tourists to stay in wonderful Relais and visit the ancient goldsmith company. A unique experience in the world of luxury and art, to discover how precious gold creations are born, from the design to the finished object through each stage of processing. The visit to the atelier ends with entering the showroom to admire the collections and purchase a factory price. Precious, handcrafted, exclusive: our jewels represent a world that we want to open to those who share our values.

Information and contacts
via Bergamo, 42 - 15048 Valenza (AL)
Telephone: +39 0131 921.515
Telephone 2: +39 324 773.5023
