Parrocchia di Santa Maria di Castello

The church stands on the site of the old castle in the Rovereto district, the primitive nucleus of the town. Built in its present shape between 1476 and 1545, it is a good example of late Lombard Gothic architecture. The brick façade is tripartite and embellished by a Renaissance stone doorway with bas-reliefs. The Latin-cross interior is divided by three naves with cruciform pillars that support cordoned vaults. The church is home to several important works of art: a 15th-century wooden Crucifix attributed to Baldino di Surso, the group of ten figures in polychrome terracotta Grieving for the Dead Christ that can be retraced to the 16th-century Lombard cultural environment and the 17th-century wooden choir. The masonry remains of two older cultural buildings can be visited: a church with early medieval nave and large apse (8th-9th century) and a second church with a triapsidal structure from the Carolingian period (11th century). The cloister (15th – 16th century) extends on the left side of the church, the refectory houses a large Crucifixion, a fresco of 1520 by Timoteo from Vercelli. Openings: Mondays 10-12, Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays 15.30-18.30, Fridays 8.30-10.30, Saturdays before mass 18.30, Sundays before masses 10 and 21

Information and contacts
piazza Santa Maria di Castello - 15121 Alessandria (AL)
Telephone: +39 (0131) 223.489
Telephone 2: +39 (0131) 512.239
