Pedalando fra musei

What could be more beautiful than cycling through three memorial sites that honor stories of bikes and champions in a territory that has cycling - from its origins - in its DNA? Between Novi Ligure, Castellania and Alessandria passing through Tortona, in fact there is a triangle of museums to be connected - pedaling - that only waits to be discovered. By bike. A champions departure: at the Museo  dei  Campionissimi in Novi Ligure, where starting  is a little ... like flying  and above all dreaming  after having visited the museum that tells the story of the great cyclists Girardengo and Coppi. But not only. The second museum stage is in Castellania where another  Museum point of this unique network of museums is reached, characterizing the heart of this itinerary. Castellania on the Tortona Hills, is considered an evocative museum of Fausto Coppi, who was born here with his brother Serse, another unforgettable cycling champion, that's why time stops where time has stopped: to pay homage not only to the Mausoleum but also for an unmissable visit to Casa Coppi, which is worth so many emotions. The Tortona Hills is a  beautiful and fascinating territory also for the generosity of its nature: where the enogastronomy is the natural fruit of this land rediscovered for  its agricultural and tourist-agriculture not for its strength but for its quality and typicality of its products : Barbera and Timorasso for wines, cheeses and meat also from biological farms with the nearby contamination / methods of Salame Nobile del Giarolo and the ancient Montebore cheese. Not to mention the fruit: peaches of  the nearby Volpedo (City of the great painter Pellizza) and strawberries, those of Tortona and cherries of Slow Food presidium, like the Bella di Garbagna (if you want to taste a piece of Val Grue and of Val Curone which warrant the trip). The third point - of arrival - of this Itinerary amongst Museums is at the historical center of Alessandria at Palazzo del Monferrato at the AcdB Museum,  recounting  the story of the first bike to arrive in Italy in Alexandria in 1867, a historic moment that marks the departure of many national and international cycling adventures (the national and international cycling Federation was founded here) today re-enacted and the origins recognized  and acknowledged by the cycling world.  

Points of interest

A short description of the route. Which can be integrated or modified with some variations. It can also become a circular route starting from one of the three points. A valid recommendation: a bit of training is necessary -especially for the uphill sections – if not it is better to have an assisted pedaling bike. This would also make it easier to enjoy the scenery. Leaving  from Novi Ligure in front of the Museo dei Campionissimi, via Girardengo, take the road that leaves Novi to the South East and after going through Barbellona passing in front of the Design Outlet leading to Serravalle Scrivia where you need to change direction and go uphill northwards  going past  the tollgate in the direction of Cassano Spinola, which after crossing is necessary to turn right to the provincial road Strada139 that leads towards Sant'Agata Fossili. From which continuing along the 139 you reach Carezzano, provincial road 134. Until Carezzano Superiore, where you turn right to take the provincial road 135 which leads to Castellania. From here you go back along the same road for about 3 km and turn right onto the provincial road 130 which goes through  Costa Vescovado Montale Celli, Villa Romagnano and leads to the former state road 135 which you must follow up to Tortona. From here exit the city on the provincial road 10 westbound towards the tollgate and follow the former st. 211 road until the municipal road Passalacqua (westbound) continue until you cross the provincial road 83; turn right and then immediately left again along the provincial road 84 which leads to Lobbi, then follow the provincial road 82 to the intersection with via San Giuliano Nuovo where you turn right, go through Castelceriolo, then going up via Desaix to the north, after staying westwards on strada Grilla, stay on this until the provincial road 10 where it is necessary to turn to right entering into Alessandria. At this point follow via Marengo via San Giovanni Bosco, via Luigi Orione, Spalto Gamondio, via Montebello della Battaglia, corso Cento Cannoni, piazza Giuseppe Garibaldi, via Trotti and then right into via Piacenza to via San Lorenzo. At number 21 arriving at the AcdB Museum! photo credits @MDidier thanks to Gabriele Rampollo and Nicolò Pirera (Ceo Polyphoto Spa) special route testers  

Departure, arrival and municipalities crossed
15067 Novi Ligure (AL)

Information and contacts
- 15067 Novi Ligure (AL)