Pieve di San Giovanni di Mediliano

The parish church of San Giovanni di Mediliano was recorded for the first time as plebs Metiliani in the middle of the 10th century. The surrounding area has revealed traces of activity in the prehistoric (2500-1250 BC) and Roman (1st-3rd Cents. AD) times, when the main element was a villa, still a place of importance in Goth and Lombard periods. Between the 4th and 8th centuries, where the church was later built, was created a funeral area from which the early Christian inscription of Livarna comes. At the time of Charlemagne (end 8th-early 9th Cent.) the church was founded, of which the two side apses remain. In the south-eastern corner is a small sacrarium, which served for washing sacred dishes and the blessed liquids used during religious services. The presbytery featured the choir and font. The church was enlarged in Romanesque times, but at the end of the 15th century all the rights were transferred to the new church inside the new town which had developed at the top of the hill.

Information and contacts
strada Valle Grana - 15040 Lu e Cuccaro Monferrato (AL)
Telephone: +39 (0131) 741.121
E-mail: info@comune.luecuccaromonferrato.al.it
