Pieve di San Pietro

The Church of San Pietro, already documented in 965, underwent a major renovation during the 15th century which, nevertheless, did not alter the Romanesque style which it retains both in the facade marked by pilasters and in the interior basilica style with three naves and vast semi-circular apse. The church preserves a precious anthology of frescoes dating to the period that goes from the mid-15th century to the early 16th century and document the local figurative culture of the time in an interesting manner. The apse bowl is dominated by a Christ judge placed inside a large size almond compared to those of the remaining decoration and of the architecture which supports them; the landscape that surrounds it, though rich in elements, has no characteristic of depth and four symbols of the four Evangelists and the figures of the Virgin and St. Michael stand out from it. The Apostles, painted in the lower part of the apse, are all portrayed in a single pose replicated practically twelve times without variations; at the centre of them has recently emerged, subsequent to the tear of the fresco of a Virgin with Child, the figure of King David. The pillars are decorated by a series of figures of Saints and Martyrs, including Saints Cosma and Damiano and Ludovico from Toulouse with Antonio from Padua. The church is open to visitors on Saturday and Sunday from 3 pm to 5 pm (October - April) or 4 pm to 7 pm (May to September). On Festivities, the openings follow the scheduled times (Easter Sunday, Easter Monday, 25 April, 1 May, 2 June etc.); check for any variations closer to the date.

Information and contacts
via Cornaggia - 15059 Volpedo (AL)
Telephone: +39 (0131) 803.18
Telephone 2: +39 (0131) 801.36
Telephone 3: +39 338 563.3056
E-mail: info@pellizza.it
