Ristorante Malò

This destination is definitely worth the trip. You are in Ponzone, a village in the Apennines that is reached by climbing from Acqui Terme. The journey lasts for several kilometres, knowing that slowly you will reach the village that gave birth to the filetto baciato (gourmet salami from Piedmont). You can park on the first small square, the main one, which overlooks a panoramic balcony, one of the highest in Italy. Walk a few steps towards the village, on your left, from the arrival road and you will reach the heroic hotel restaurant, set up as if it were a feast day. The dining room of the Malò Restaurant is elegant enough to celebrate an original cuisine. Cinzia Grigoletto is a good chef and her husband Enrico Trinchero serves at the tables and recommends wines from a good selection. The first among many, they have also codified a cuisine for coeliacs and are part of the circuit of recommended restaurants. Their menus range from €22 to €32 and the dishes are anything but predictable, they are original and the fruit of passionate research. How could you not think of stopping by? After a dutiful entrée with filetto baciato (gourmet salami from Piedmont), we thoroughly enjoyed the terrine of boiled meat with vanilla mandarin compote, among the starters, where the caponet and the stockfish millefeuille with orange sauce also stood out. Among the first courses, the agnolotti stuffed with mostardella from Val Pellice and the potato gnocchi with pea cream and black truffle are really excellent. For the second course, stuffed turkey glazed in the oven. Original, at the end of the meal, is also the Pavlova with raspberry and chantilly chutney, next to the zabaglione parfait.

Information and contacts
piazza Garibaldi, 1 - 15010 Ponzone (AL)
Telephone: +39 (0143) 821.650
Telephone 2: +39 (0144) 78124
E-mail: locandamalo@alice.it
