Castles, Fortresses, historical homes

Castello di Redabue


Castello di Redabue

Redabue castle has an interesting history, having enjoyed more military importance during modern times than during the medieval period. During the 1700s and 1800s, the owners carried out many alterations that had the effect …

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Castello di Rocca Grimalda

Rocca Grimalda

Castello di Rocca Grimalda

The village of Rocca Grimalda was built at the top of a rocky spur, the fortress was built in a strategically-important position because it could be easily defended and control the village and the roads between the Ovadese …

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Castello di Tagliolo

Tagliolo Monferrato

Castello di Tagliolo

Tagliolo, strategically located along the old Salt Road, was an outpost at the time of the Saracen invasions. The word Tagliolo derives from the deforestation that took place in order to allow agricultural activity. Emperor …

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Castello di Trisobbio


Castello di Trisobbio

Trisobbio Castle has dominated the Southern Monferrato hills since the early 13th century. The ancient splendour of the walls, as opposed to the design features conceived to alter the original appearance, bring together …

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Castello di Uviglie

Rosignano Monferrato

Castello di Uviglie

Built starting from the 14th century and situated in a position that overlooks Low Monferrato, the Castle of Uviglie stands on the hills east of Rosignano Monferrato surrounded by vineyards. Set among century-old plants, …

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Castello Sannazzaro di Giarole


Castello Sannazzaro di Giarole

Giarole Castle was founded following a “Diploma” of the Emperor Federico Barbarossa, which, in 1163, authorised four knights of the Sannazzaro family to build a castle”… wherever they wanted on their estates”. …

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Castello Sforzini di Castellar Ponzano


Castello Sforzini di Castellar Ponzano

Travelling along the ancient via Postumia in the stretch south of Tortona, approximately 8 km from the town, lies a small hamlet called Castellar Ponzano. The place is a strategic point not only for the control of commercial …

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Castello Torriani e Bandello

Castelnuovo Scrivia

Castello Torriani e Bandello

The district of Castelnuovo Scrivia originally belonged to Pavia and then to Tortona before coming under the feudal control of the Torriani family after which it became a free town; it then passed into the hands of the Visconti …

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The Citadel of Alessandria was built as a result of the Treaty of the Alliance League, stipulated in 1703, during the War of the Spanish Succession, between the Emperor of Austria and Victor Amadeus II, Duke of Savoy: the …

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Forte di Gavi


Forte di Gavi

The town of Gavi, famous for its white wine, is a truly ancient place that existed even in neolithic times. Under the Romans, Gavium was an important village because it was positioned on the "link" road between the Via Postumia …

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La Casa Gotica o Casa del Tranquillo - Chiuso temporaneamente

Arquata Scrivia

La Casa Gotica o Casa del Tranquillo - Chiuso temporaneamente

The construction of this home probably dates to when Opizzino Spinola (1313) was made a feudal lord, which marked the beginning of a period characterised by a certain vibrant building activity of Arquata. On a visit to Arquata …

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Museo del Palio di Asti


Museo del Palio di Asti

The Museum, housed in the rooms of the 15th century Palazzo Mazzola, home to the Historical Archive, illustrates the most significant milestones in the history of the Palio and the city. In addition to documents never displayed …

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The symbol of the village of Masio, which makes its appearance unmistakable, is the ancient medieval tower of the 12th century, declared a national monument. The monument is 27 metres tall and together with several parts …

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Palazzo Gazelli


Palazzo Gazelli

The complex is composed of the palazzo renovated in the mid-18th century to the design of Benedetto Alfieri (englobing the medieval tower) and of the adjacent palazzo, always of medieval origin, renovated in the mid-19th …

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Palazzo Lignana di Gattinara

Rivalta Bormida

Palazzo Lignana di Gattinara

Palazzo Lignana di Gattinara, in Rivalta Bormida, stands at the end of Contrada Lunga, now Via Giuseppe Baretti. The building, with its sober elegant facade, is a typical example of an aristocratic residence of "Alto Monferrato" …

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