Sacred places

Chiesa di San Domenico

Casale Monferrato

Chiesa di San Domenico

The building of the church and convent of San Domenico started in 1472 at the behest of the Marquis Guglielmo VIII Paleologo and lasted for more than 30 years. Consecrated in 1513 the church was enlarged and partly altered …

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Chiesa di San Francesco


Chiesa di San Francesco

The Church of San Francesco, in Lombard-Gothic style, dates back to the 13th century. It presents a gabled façade featuring strong buttresses and crowned with small arches; to a first bell tower dating from the same period …

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Chiesa di San Giacomo Maggiore


Chiesa di San Giacomo Maggiore

The Church of S. Giacomo, built around 1165, is one of the greatest examples of Romanesque architecture in the Alessandria area, despite the Baroque additions of the 17th and 18th century. The sloping stone facade is well …

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Chiesa di San Gottardo


Chiesa di San Gottardo

It is located just outside the walls of the Castle of Camino in a position from which you can enjoy a magnificent panorama. There is no certain information on the origins of the church, but it was probably built between …

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Chiesa di San Lorenzo


Chiesa di San Lorenzo

A church named after Saints Lorenzo and Clemente already existed in Alessandria at an age close to the founding of the city. In 1347-1350, the urban church of San Lorenzo was merged with that of Santa Maria della Corte of …

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Chiesa di San Rocco


Chiesa di San Rocco

The Church of San Rocco is located in the homonymous square of Alessandria. It was built in the 12th century by the Order of the Humiliated and once dedicated to San Giovanni del Cappuccio. Following the suppression of the …

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Chiesa di Santa Maria Assunta22


Chiesa di Santa Maria Assunta22

The current building, constructed entirely in brick, dates to the 13th and 14th centuries. The gabled facade, marked by four buttresses, is typical of the Piedmontese and Lombard Gothic style, while the portal, with high …

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Chiesa di Santa Maria Canale


Chiesa di Santa Maria Canale

The Church of Santa Maria Canale is the only one in the city to have maintained an ancient Romanesque look, even if modified by numerous renovations. The facade is currently 'gabled’ with corner buttresses and two narrow …

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Chiesa di Santa Maria della Pieve

Novi Ligure

Chiesa di Santa Maria della Pieve

This church was built between the 12th and the 13th centuries, at the origins of the settlement that led to the birth of the village. Extensively reconstructed in 1678, it preserves the original layout with three naves, …

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Chiesa di Santa Maria e San Siro


Chiesa di Santa Maria e San Siro

The Church of Santa Maria is first recorded in documents that date from 1165. The double naming bears witness to the fact that there were two separate churches in Sale: San Siro, a fortified church outside the town walls …

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Chiesa di Santo Stefano


Chiesa di Santo Stefano

The Church of Santo Stefano (originally SS. Stefano e Martino) is connected to the events of the Order of the Servants of Mary. The Servites, in 1728, were forced to abandon their primitive convent of S. Stefano in Borgoglio …

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Chiesa Parrocchiale N. S. Assunta


Chiesa Parrocchiale N. S. Assunta

The Church of Nostra Signora Assunta, built starting from 1772, is an important landmark in the town for the height of its facade, the circular cupola and the two bell towers. The richly decorated interior is in a Latin …

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Chiesa SS. Trinità da Lungi

Castellazzo Bormida

Chiesa SS. Trinità da Lungi

The Church of SS. Trinità da Lungi was built by the Canons Regular of the Holy Cross of Mortara around 1130, probably inside a monastery complex. Notwithstanding the remodelling and tampering with the original structure, …

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