
Museo della grappa

Altavilla Monferrato

Museo della grappa

The area of Alessandria is renowned for its wines, but once the fermentation process is complete, the bunch of grapes can still be used to produce grappa and this is why we find the Grappa Museum in Altavilla. Open to visitors …

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Museo della Maschera

Rocca Grimalda

Museo della Maschera

The Mask Museum in Rocca Grimalda, opened its doors in 2000 upon the initiative of a group of scholars from the Ethno-Anthropological Laboratory, working on the territory since 1996. It was opened because of the presence, …

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Museo delle macchine agricole Orsi


Museo delle macchine agricole Orsi

Tortona is home to the Museo delle Macchine Agricole (Agricultural Vehicle Museum), named in memory of Roberto Giuseppe Orsi, and sited in his company’s workshop, in Via Emilia. This museum was proposed by the Association …

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Museo delle truppe alpine


Museo delle truppe alpine

The museum, founded by Carlo Monti who collected and documented the events involving the Alpine Corps, protagonists of dramatic pages of history between the Two Wars, stems from the need to remember, spread and preserve …

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Museo di arte sacra San Giacomo

Lu e Cuccaro Monferrato

Museo di arte sacra San Giacomo

The San Giacomo Museum of Sacred Art, set up in the historical complex of San Giacomo in Lu, consists of the church founded in the 13th century and rebuilt between 1568 and 1610, its sacristy and the Casa della Reggenza. …

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Museo Diocesano di arte sacra


Museo Diocesano di arte sacra

In a symbolic place of the diocese – the former Episcopal Seminary – the museum gathers works that for the most part found their way to the curia’s storerooms for security reasons. Originating from the city of Tortona …

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Museo Diocesano San Giovanni


Museo Diocesano San Giovanni

"Spazio San Giovanni", is the first core of the Cathedral’s Diocesan Museum. The visit includes the main body of the former Church of San Giovanni, first early Christian Cathedral of the city of Asti, and the 8th century …

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Museo Etnografico della Civiltà Contadina di Orsara Bormida

Orsara Bormida

Museo Etnografico della Civiltà Contadina di Orsara Bormida

The Orsara Bormida Museum in the local town hall started up in 1996 thanks to a group of volunteers who wanted to display a number of ancient items and relics donated by people from the area. The museum is run by the Associazione …

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Museo etnografico della Gambarina


Museo etnografico della Gambarina "C'era una volta"

The Ethnographic Museum “C’era una volta” (Once upon a time) is located inside the “Gambarina Vecchia”, barracks dating from the 18th century. On the ground floor, taking full advantage of the bay architecture …

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Museo Etnologico Missionario - Colle Don Bosco

Castelnuovo Don Bosco

Museo Etnologico Missionario - Colle Don Bosco

The museum displays material collected on the travels of Salesian missionaries in Patagonia, Central America, Middle and Far East

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Museo naturalistico di Stazzano


Museo naturalistico di Stazzano

This museum at Stazzano offers an impressive learning experience. Founded in 1980 by a group of nature enthusiasts from the town who had been working together since 1974 to protect and preserve the rich natural heritage …

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Museo Paleontologico


Museo Paleontologico "G. Maini"

The museum is in the fourteenth-century Church of St Anthony, which in 1882 was turned into a prison, and is now dedicated to Giulio Maini, a naturalist from Ovada. The learning path illustrates the particular nature of …

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Museo Storico Badogliano

Grazzano Badoglio

Museo Storico Badogliano

The birthplace houses the museum dedicated to Marshal Pietro Badoglio, military man and politician. The museum has seven rooms and two corridors; each area is dedicated to a theme or a significant period in Badoglio’s …

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Palatium Vetus


Palatium Vetus

Palatium Vetus, now home to Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio of Alessandria, is the first municipal building of the town of Alessandria and preserves important traces of medieval history. The Gae Aulenti architectural firm …

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