Sacred places

Parrocchia di Santa Maria Assunta

Fubine Monferrato

Parrocchia di Santa Maria Assunta

Built between 1490 and 1512, the Church of Santa Maria Assunta retains the late-Gothic tripartite façade of the original structure, topped with small arches and with a rose window surrounded by a frame with eight concentric …

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Parrocchia di Santa Maria di Castello


Parrocchia di Santa Maria di Castello

The church stands on the site of the old castle in the Rovereto district, the primitive nucleus of the town. Built in its present shape between 1476 and 1545, it is a good example of late Lombard Gothic architecture. The …

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Parrocchiale antica di San Salvatore

Ozzano Monferrato

Parrocchiale antica di San Salvatore

The parish church of San Salvatore, which overlooks a panoramic square, retains the original Romanesque framework and the tower that serves as a belfry. Inside, it preserves an interesting fresco decoration, although most …

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Pieve di San Martino


Pieve di San Martino

The early plebeian church, dedicated to St. Martin bishop of Tours, was built in the Longobard era. The temple of St. Martin underwent substantial functional and architectural changes over the centuries, clearly highlighted …

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Pieve di San Pietro


Pieve di San Pietro

The Church of San Pietro, already documented in 965, underwent a major renovation during the 15th century which, nevertheless, did not alter the Romanesque style which it retains both in the facade marked by pilasters and …

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Pieve di Santa Maria


Pieve di Santa Maria

The Pieve of Santa Maria is a Romanesque construction dating from the 11th century. In the archive papers it is known as "Sancta Maria in ripa padi" to indicate its position along the course of the canal, today covered, …

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Pieve di Santa Maria Assunta

Fabbrica Curone

Pieve di Santa Maria Assunta

The Parish Church of Santa Maria of Fabbrica Curone is a magnificent example of Romanesque architecture, totally in riverstone or, in any case, of local origin. The construction is longitudinal without transept and with …

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San Giacomo


San Giacomo

The Church of S. Giacomo is an exquisite example of late-Baroque architecture, remarkable because it has not undergone significant changes over the centuries and because it is built in a sober style. The current church was …

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San Giacomo della Vittoria


San Giacomo della Vittoria

The construction of the church recalls a glorious feat of arms, the victory brought to the gates of Alessandria on 25 July 1391, St. James day. The people of Alessandria and the Visconti troops, ordered by the commander …

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San Giovannino


San Giovannino

The Church of San Giovannino, connected to the confraternity of SS. Crocifisso, was in the neighbourhood of Gamondio, close to the gateway “to Genova” and built in 1484. The church was seriously damaged in a fire in …

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Santa Lucia


Santa Lucia

The small 18th century church stands in a beautiful location, at the crossroads of several historic streets. Each year, on St. Lucy’s Day (13 December), the church becomes the centre of devotional practices and charitable …

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Santa Maria del Carmine


Santa Maria del Carmine

The construction of the Church of Our Lady of Mount Carmel began around 1320 and was soon replaced in the second half of the century with another larger building, with the addition of a cloister, by the Carmelite Fathers, …

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Santa Maria della Corte

Castellazzo Bormida

Santa Maria della Corte

The parish church of Santa Maria della Corte is mentioned for the first time in 1005, belonging to the “curte regia Gamundii” of Roman origin and then Longobard capital which will become Castellacium from the 14th century …

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Santa Maria delle Grazie - detta di San Domenico


Santa Maria delle Grazie - detta di San Domenico

The first stone was laid in 1481, when Father Giovanni from Taggia received the diploma which appointed him Prior of the Convent. A stone placed on the lintel of the door, dated 1508, indicates the construction date as 1481, …

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Santa Maria di Vezzolano


Santa Maria di Vezzolano

The complex rises in the green of a beautiful valley, in one of the most picturesque and unspoilt corners of Monferrato, among vineyards, fields and wood areas. In Vezzolano, history and legend intertwine and the hypotheses …

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