Trekking and parks

Parco del Po tratto vercellese/alessandrino - Palazzo Mossi

Frassineto Po

Parco del Po tratto vercellese/alessandrino - Palazzo Mossi

The Centre for Interpretation of the Po Landscape is set up in Palazzo Mossi of Frassineto Po (AL). It is set up to facilitate the understanding of the history and transformation of the landscape through large scenic presentations, …

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Parco Naturale delle Capanne di Marcarolo


Parco Naturale delle Capanne di Marcarolo

Capanne di Marcarolo Natural Park. This park straddles the border between Liguria and Piedmont, on the actual geological border between the Alps and the Apennines, and was created to tell and safeguard a major environmental …

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Parco Safari delle Langhe


Parco Safari delle Langhe

A signposted route of approximately 5 km, in large welcoming and suitably equipped areas, is home to more than 40 animal species. Around 350 guests represent the most significant species of the animal kingdom. Easy to travel …

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Parco Scultoreo Quirin Mayer


Parco Scultoreo Quirin Mayer

The sculpture park is situated in a magnificent scenic point. It is composed of 5 terraces where you can admire 19 sculptures made by the Swiss artist using sheets of aluminium.

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Riserva Naturale della Val Sarmassa

Vaglio Serra

Riserva Naturale della Val Sarmassa

The naturalistic aspect with historical and literary connotations prevails in the Nature Reserve of Valle Sarmassa which extends in the southern part of the province and includes the three Municipalities of Vinchio, Vaglio …

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Riserva Naturale Le Rocche di Antignano


Riserva Naturale Le Rocche di Antignano

Close to the hamlet of Perosini, along the River Tanaro, the area is of great environmental interest: crossed by country roads, rich in oaks, poplars and willows, and with an interesting aquatic vegetation that is home to …

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Riserva Naturale Speciale della Valle Andona, Valle Botto e Val Grande


Riserva Naturale Speciale della Valle Andona, Valle Botto e Val Grande

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